Bio politics and Historical Resilience of Neoliberalism in the Wasted Vigil and Red Birds

  • Sajida Ahmad Ali PhD Scholar, Department of English Literature, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Asif Assistant Professor, Department of English Literature, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Biopolitics, Biopower, Neoliberal Resilience, Globalization, American Globalization, Political Economy


The biopolitical constructed neoliberal schema is a political economy that formalizes non-economic issues into economical monetarism. The biopolitics functions as an agent to govern the neoliberal resilience in the Muslim Nation-States in the shade of neo-colonial shapes. The neoliberal resilience through the capacity of biopolitics to control and command the biopower has interchanged the relationships of the social phenomena to economic activism. The neo trends of Globalization through hype real celebrated stigma of inclusion, exclusively, forcing the pure socially developed phenomena as; cultures, nationalist ethnicity, indigenousness, localism, wars and militarism, resistance, environment, psychology, sovereignty, and security of states, into neoliberal political economy. The paper will serve Foucauldian biopolitics, as it adapts a partial perspective. In one way, it is a complementary power to govern and in the other way, biopolitical rationalities to govern over the crises and recessionary risks stem from the neo-liberalization of the entire phenomena of social life via resilient forces. This privatization of economic financialization of material profit is at the cost of loss of socialization in every field of life that proves a resilience or restoration of the liberal doxa into revision. This paper will explore the possibility of biopolitical-established governance of neoliberal resilience through the textual critique of the economization of socialization from The Red Birds by Mohammed Hanif and The Wasted Vigil by Nadeem Aslam. These novels reflect on the resilient nature of neoliberal trends and the havoc caused by its neo forms through its power of adaptability and capacity to change in the nation-states.

How to Cite
Sajida Ahmad Ali, & Dr. Muhammad Asif. (2020). Bio politics and Historical Resilience of Neoliberalism in the Wasted Vigil and Red Birds. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 1(3), 305-313.