The Effectiveness of Creative Writing for Students at Elementary Level: A Case Study
Writing is one of the productive skills which sometime seems difficult to acquire to the learners. There are many approaches to teach writing. Creative writing is one approach of teaching writing which has become more familiar in recent era. In our country many schools of Urdu and English medium are implementing this approach now-a-days to teach writing in the elementary level. This aim of this study is to find out the effectiveness of creative writing in language learning. Now a days there is too much attention of teachers on making students to be creative writer. This study explores the difficulties of creative writing which the Pre O level students consistently face while writing and the effectiveness of creative writing for students. To collect the data the researcher visited Beacon house School located in Valencia Lahore. The researcher provided questionnaires having 15 questions to 40 students of that institute in order to collect information and data from them. The researcher also interviewed 4 students from that institute to collect more data and information which are missing or inadequate in the questionnaire. The collected data explore that creative writing classes are important and influential for learners and they want these kinds of activities to improve their learning skills. The students face many hindrances and problems while writing. The findings showed that students of both medium like Creative writing classes and it influences their language learning. Therefore, it can be said that Creative writing can be used as an effective language learning tool.