Have to Create: Animators’ Choices, Challenges and Constrains in Pakistan

  • Dr. Suffi Bilal Khalid Associate Professor, National College of Arts, Lahore
Keywords: Animation, Choices, Challenges, Constraints, Visual Culture


The impetus of culture, society, economy, and politics as part of the broader system has an impact on how we comprehend, interpret, and judge animation. Animators in Pakistan are faced with problems and constraints when creating animated films. Twelve in-depth interviews were conducted to investigate these obstacles and constraints. Consumerism, a Eurocentric art history curriculum, a lack of leadership, a naive beholder, the propaganda machine, and government supervision are the key issues animators are confronted with. The study recommends that three factors are critical for both the art teacher and the art student, from an academic standpoint. The first is a grasp of visual theory, the second is how visual literacy is taught and how visual perception develops through time in both children and adults, and the third is how animation, as a visual culture, makes meaning.

How to Cite
Dr. Suffi Bilal Khalid. (2022). Have to Create: Animators’ Choices, Challenges and Constrains in Pakistan. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 3(4), 105-113. https://doi.org/10.36902/rjsser-vol3-iss4-2022(105-113)