Psychological adjustment after COVID-19

  • Dr. Riaz Ahmad Associate Professor, School of Education, Yulin University-China - HEC PhD Approved Supervisor & Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Orlando University-USA
  • Ring Li Master Scholar, Orlando University USA
Keywords: Psychological adjustment, COVID-19, Anxiety


In this paper we conducted the study about the impact and Psychological adjustment before and after the releasing of COVID-19, so as to let people understand the principle behind the panic caused by the epidemic and learn effective response and adjustment methods to help make a better transition.

Since China made timely scientific adjustments to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 at the beginning of 2023, many people have fallen into the "COVID-19 Release Anxiety", confused, worried, panicked... The more they think about it, the more difficult it is to control it, the more tired they become. If you have these psychological conditions, your body and mind are giving an alarm: you should face up to your anxiety. We need to know why the epidemic causes anxiety and fear, and what methods we can choose to adjust when we are aware of our excessive anxiety.

How to Cite
Dr. Riaz Ahmad, & Ring Li. (2023). Psychological adjustment after COVID-19. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 4(2), 81-87.