Exploring the Educational Frontier: Unveiling the Dynamics of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Contrast to Traditional Teaching

  • Dr. Sumaera Mehmood Assistant Professor, Institute of Education & Research, MY University Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Dean Arts & Social Sciences, Women University of Bagh Kashmir
  • Dr. Fatima Muhammad Qasim Assistant Professor, Institute of Education & Research, MY University Islamabad
Keywords: Computer Assisted Instruction, Traditional Teaching, Academic Performance, Teaching Methods


The study investigates the differences between traditional teaching methods and computer-assisted instruction (CAI). The goals of the study were to examine how computer-assisted instruction affects secondary school pupils' academic achievement in general science, to ascertain how traditional teaching approaches affect secondary school pupils' academic achievement in the general science course, to ascertain how traditional teaching approaches affect secondary school pupils' academic achievement in the general science course, to evaluate the impact of both traditional and CAI instruction on students' academic achievement in the General Science course; to propose recommendations based on the results of the current study for General Science educators, students, administrators, teacher trainers, and policy makers. Based on the research questions, we formulated four null hypotheses. We employed the nonequivalent control group design as one type of quasi-experimental design. We selected a random sample of two intact sections of 10th grade, totaling sixty-four students studying General Science, and conducted the experiment over ten academic weeks. We collected pre-test and post-test data on academic achievement. We used the conventional lecture format to instruct the control group. We addressed research and hypothesis questions using summary statistics and paired t-tests. The results of the study exhibited that CAI outperformed the traditional lecture method. The results of the present study provided much-needed motivation to use CAI and improve students' academic performance. Animated videos and images make science concepts easily understandable. The animated videos and images capture the students' attention, enhancing their focus during the teaching and learning process. Computer-assisted instruction is beneficial for slow learners or especially ADHD students. The attractive colors in the diagrams helped them to focus their attention on the teaching and learning process and make this process more enjoyable.

How to Cite
Dr. Sumaera Mehmood, Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq, & Dr. Fatima Muhammad Qasim. (2024). Exploring the Educational Frontier: Unveiling the Dynamics of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Contrast to Traditional Teaching. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 5(2), 54-62. https://doi.org/10.36902/rjsser-vol5-iss2-2024(54-62)