Navigating the Complexities: Key Challenges Faced by School Principals in Managing Teaching Practicums

  • Dr. Sunble Bibi Assistant Professor, KFUEIT
  • Dr. Humaira Abbasi Lecturer, MUST AJK
  • Irsa Ghazal MUST AJK
Keywords: Teaching Practicum, Practicum Challenges, Qualitative Research, School Principal, Teacher Education Programs


This research investigated the challenges faced by school principals during the teaching practicum at the University of Education Attock Campus. Using a qualitative descriptive phenomenological design within an interpretive paradigm, the study employed a census sampling strategy involving school principals. Data was collected through self-developed semi-structured interviews, validated by expert evaluations and a pilot study. Thematic analysis rigor was ensured by establishing inter-coder reliability. The study was geographically focused on the University of Education Attock Campus. The research was grounded in a constructivist perspective, addressing challenges faced by school principals and offering insights for improving teacher preparation programs. Thematic analysis revealed key challenges in managing and supporting the practicum, including prospective teachers' lack of subject matter expertise, dependence on traditional methods, irregular attendance, transportation issues, limited student engagement, and classroom management difficulties. Additional challenges involved communication, infrastructure, cooperating teachers' attitudes, and the relationship between prospective teachers and students, which affected the practicum's effectiveness. Improved behavior, engagement, and learning environments were achieved through strategic efforts. School principals recommended better scheduling, innovative teacher training, and earlier practicum start dates for optimal integration. A multifaceted approach involving preparation, principal involvement, and continuous adaptation enhances practicum success. Ongoing professional development, modern teaching methods, and logistical support could reshape teacher training policies by fostering continuous improvement. Strengthening communication and improving infrastructure would create a more structured, supportive environment for prospective educators.

How to Cite
Dr. Sunble Bibi, Dr. Humaira Abbasi, & Irsa Ghazal. (2024). Navigating the Complexities: Key Challenges Faced by School Principals in Managing Teaching Practicums. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 5(4), 1-11.