National Professional Standards for Teachers: Awareness, Perspective & Implementation in Pakistan

  • Tariq Mahmood Tariq PhD Scholar, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
  • Dr. Khushbakht Hina Assistant Professor, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
  • Arshad Mahmood Arshad PhD Scholar, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
Keywords: Implementation, National Professional Standards, Prospective Teachers, Perceptions


The main objective of the study was to investigate the perceptions of prospective teachers about the awareness of the implementation of national professional standards for teachers. The present study was descriptive followed by a survey method. The study was quantitative and the survey was used as the research design. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. Male and female prospective teachers of the pre-service teacher education program, B.Ed. (Hons.) Secondary of four public sector universities of Azad Kashmir session 2015-19 was the population of the study. The sample size was determined by using a stratified proportionate sampling technique. And the sample size was calculated by the Raosoft sample size determining formula. Thus the sample size was 196. In this study, the questionnaire was used as a research tool. All the statements of the questionnaire were according to the topic and objective of the study. The questionnaire was validated by the experts of the relevant field. According to the opinions and suggestions of the experts, statements were changed. The reliability of the questionnaire was measuring internal consistency by using Chronbach Alpha. Its value was found to 0.85. For data collection, a questionnaire was administered personally by the researcher to the sampled prospective teachers of the pre-service teacher education program B.Ed. (Hons.) Secondary of public sector universities of Azad Kashmir.

How to Cite
Tariq Mahmood Tariq, Dr. Khushbakht Hina, & Arshad Mahmood Arshad. (2020). National Professional Standards for Teachers: Awareness, Perspective & Implementation in Pakistan. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 1(4), 242-249.