Comparative Study of Male and Female Faculty Achievements at Mirpur University of Science and Technology (AJ&K)
This research was conducted on comparative study of male and female faculty achievements at higher education level at Mirpur University of Science and Technology, AJK. The objectives of the study were to assess the faculty achievement at university level, to compare the male and female faculty achievement at university level. The quantitative research approach and survey research design was used to collect the answers from the targeted respondents. The population of the research study comprised of faculties of Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) Mirpur AJK. Sample was comprised of two faculties Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the sample size. However total sample size was hundred. There were two part of questionnaire first part was demographic and second part was based on discovery, teaching and learning and application. For data collection, the researcher personally visited from two faculties(i) social sciences and (ii) natural sciences. It was concluded that the highest value of MPhil teacher was found. It was concluded the achievement of male teacher in discovery were highest than female and in teaching and learning achievement of female teachers were highest than male and the achievement of male teachers in application were highest than female teachers. It is recommended that male and female faculty member may increase their teaching learning strategies through the implementation of specialized professional development programs. Encourage teachers to integrate practical applications of knowledge into their teaching methods.
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